Sunday, October 20, 2013

Postcards to BB, Dell, and HP, and Amazon, and Cerberus

I have to stop sending these silly postcards with even sillier ideas.

And I would have not sent any postcard to Cerberus but I liked what its CEO and co-founder Steve Feinberg once said: "In general, I think that all of us are way overpaid in this business. It is almost embarrassing."

I was about to contact Lenovo as well, but after I read they had a smartphone called ... LePhone that is doing very well (2nd in China) I thought they would not be interested in BB, but it seems I was wrong (not that it matters anyhow) Lenovo may be eyeing BlackBerry as well.

So these are my silly ideas (not all of them fit on the back of the postcard):

1. Upgrade Z30 to come with Linux/Windows that will be used when a device (display + keyboard) is plugged to the phone.

'The notebook is dead, long live the notebook!'

2. Buy and provide free access to anyone with a BB device (Wikipedia is the 6th most visited website, so you can see what I am getting at).

3. License BB10 to Chinese/Indian companies that can sell only to the respective markets (lose 2 billion customers but can you imagine the 'stampede' to create apps for BB10, no more of 'there aren't apps for BlackBerry')

4. Make the cheapest e-reader that works with only BB.  No charger, no big storage, after all you can read only one book at a given tim, and other no's just to make it as cheap as possible.

5. Other sillier ideas that I cannot bring myself writing them.

Here are real ideas: The Future of BlackBerry is RIM

Dear Mr. Dell,

Your company should buy BlackBerry and:
1. Upgrade Z30 to come with Linux/Windows that will be used when a device (display + keyboard) is plugged to the phone.
'The notebook is dead, long live the notebook!'
2. Dell to buy and provide free access to anyone with a BB device (Wikipedia is the 6th most visited website, so you can see what I am getting at).
3. a few other ideas no space here
Mike (disgruntled BB investor that thinks BB is worth much more)

Dear Mr. Ali,

HP should buy BlackBerry and:
1. Release a new phone that will have Linux/Windows installed to be used when a 'device' (display + keyboard) is plugged to the phone.
'The notebook is dead, long live the notebook!'
2. HP to buy and provide free access to anyone with a BB device (Wikipedia is the 6th most visited website, so you can see what I am getting at).
3. other ideas, but no space here

Mike (disgruntled BB investor that thinks BB is worth much more)

Dear Mr. Feinberg,

Cerberus should buy BlackBerry and:
1. Upgrade Z30 to come with Linux/Windows that will be used when a device (display + keyboard) is plugged to the phone.
'The notebook is dead, long live the notebook!'
2. Cerberus to buy and provide free access to anyone with a BB device (Wikipedia is the 6th most visited website, so you can see what I am getting at).
3. a few other silly ideas but not enough space here
Mike (disgruntled BB investor that thinks BB is worth much more)

Twitter: @curbexcitement

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